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With a dog to Montenegro


In Montenegro there are no special regulations for keeping pets. Here you can find numerous cats and dogs in the streets. For example, cats in general are quite popular, and there is even a whole area of cats in Old Kotor, and they feel quite comfortable there. People in Montenegro are mostly friendly to dogs. They themselves keep watchdogs, service and hunting dogs like Montenegrin Mountain Hound. It’s quite unusual for this country to have small lapdogs.

The most important issue to be agreed in advance is the question of residence. Owners of individual villas and apartments are usually less demanding. They themselves often live with cats or dogs. But the possibility of accommodation with your pet in hotels needs agreement in advance.

To take your favorite cat or dog on holiday to Montenegro you will have to do additional work on registration of some papers. Taking animals across the border, as well as traveling with them will require you to follow a number of formalities. It will also be important for your pet to be able to cope with long journeys and the stress of environmental change.

Veterinary preparation
First, it is necessary to go through the procedure of chipping. This is the name of the operation to introduce a special chip under the skin of the animal, which contains all the information about the animal (name, age, data of the owner, etc.). This is a requirement of EU standards, without such a chip the animal will not be allowed to Montenegro. Information about the chip must be specified in the veterinary passport.

Getting an international veterinary passport is the second necessary step. It contains data on all vaccinations performed, information on treatment against fleas and other parasites. All vaccinations should be made in the period from 1 to 11 months before the date of departure abroad. Rabies vaccination is mandatory, and some countries have requirements for additional vaccination. A veterinary passport must be with you when you travel.

Once you have received the veterinary passport, you can proceed to the third step - drawing up a veterinary certificate (certificate of health of the animal). This document is valid only 3 (three) days, so you should get it right before the date of departure.

When registering tickets before boarding a plane or train, this veterinary certificate will be exchanged for Health Certificate. The exchange takes place at a special border veterinary control point. The Health Certificate will have to be presented at the customs office already in Montenegro.
Getting out of Montenegro with a Dog

Here’s where it may become complicated. All mentioned above are EU standard. But there is one more if you are travelling back to EU countries - A rabies titre test done by an EU-approved lab.  This requirement differs from other parts of Europe, because Montenegro is considered a high-risk for rabies country. So, to leave, your dog will need to have been confirmed rabies-free.
The titre test is a special blood test and can be administered by EU vet. Make sure they use an approved lab. You can ask for a list of approved labs from the department of agriculture in the country you plan to fly or drive into.


Transportation of animals to Montenegro
Whatever way you decide to go to Montenegro - by train or plane - you will need a special luggage ticket and a bag to transport your pet. Some airlines allow you to carry small cats and dogs (up to 5-8 kg) directly in the train compartment or the cabin. But you need to know about it in advance and there are restrictions on simultaneous transportation of animals in one cabin (no more than 2-3 dogs, you cannot carry a cat and a dog at the same time, etc.), which is decided individually for each flight.
Depending on the size of the pet you will need a special bag, crate or mini-carrier. The carrier must be ventilated, waterproof, with absorbent bedding and a built-in drinker. The size of the crate should allow the animal to stand freely, turn around and lie down. A tag with information about the animal is attached to the crate: name, a copy of the veterinary certificate and the owner's contacts.

The cost of a dog or cat ticket is usually calculated on the basis of extra luggage rates. If the dog has not passed the transport regulations in the cabin itself, the kennel is placed in the insulated luggage compartment. In the train the dog may be allowed in a compartment with the owner, provided that other companions do not object.

It is advisable not to feed the dogs before the journey to avoid any trouble when they are bored. If your pet has a restless temper, a sedative can be used but only with the advice of your vet.
Travelling in Montenegro by Car

You may also decide to travel to Montenegro by car. This will require to stick to necessary safety rules. The most important is to keep your pets from free moving inside the car. Free movement distracts attention of the driver from the road which may lead to a car accident. And if this happens, an unrestrained pet will be badly injured and may injure humans. For secure travelling you may choose to put your dog in a car crate, or to put one of the best dog car harness and restrain a pet.

If you are planning to go to Montenegro in high season, remember about extreme temperatures. Your dog may get overheated inside the car. So keep water with you and allow your dog to drink and walk every two hours.  Do not leave your dog alone in a closed car, especially in the sun.

Pet-friendly beaches in Montenegro
 This summer the first beaches and bathing places for pets will be organized in different cities of Montenegro. According to the new strategy of the country, for the first time in Montenegro, five bathing places will be organized in several major resort cities, where pets will be allowed to stay and rest. Three such bathing places will be opened in Budva municipality, one in Bar. Each beach for pets should have clear rules of conduct for owners and their dogs, as well as cleaning equipment, showers, containers for food and water, and toys for pets.


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