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Route calculation



This town is situated in the centre of the Adriatic coast of Montenegro. According to the legend, the settlement at this place was founded by the Phoenicians about 2500 years ago, which means that Budva is one of the oldest settlements of the Adriatic. The town still keeps the mystery and the beauty of the past – this is especially felt when you see the walls built around the old town in the 15th century, fortified by the Kastel fortress and a few stone towers. There are some exits from the town in these walls - they used to be guarded and closed in the nighttime, but now it’s a different story: they are always opened for the inhabitants and the guests of the town. Most of the one- and two-storey buildings are built from ashlars and decorated in Baroque style.


Budva with its surroundings forms the Budva Riviera - the biggest tourist center of Montenegro, famous for its sandy and pebble beaches – Slavic beach, Mogren beach, beach at the Saint Nicolas island, called Hawaii by the locals. Nightlife of the town is the casinos, discos (Raj, Rafaelo, Trocadero), restaurants (Galeb, Porto, Stari Grad), café-bars (English pub, Picaso, Pushkin).


The resort has the great tennis courts, pedestrian and running paths. There are diving-clubs which offer the diving trainings in the various areas of the coast.


Not too far away from Budva on the height of 760 meters situated the best site for paragliding in the country. Because of the good weather conditions, those who like this kind of sport can fly from March and until the end of September.


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